- 4.250 TEU container vessel with a fixed Charter Party
- acquisition in conserved liquidity
Hamburg, 29.12.2010 – The stock exchange listed HCI HAMMONIA SHIPPING AG participates with a marginal 60 percent in a 4.250 TEU Container Vessel. This was made attainable by a decision of the Vessel´s association. The vessel was built in 2009 and is presently sailing with an adequate Charter Party. Only in June 2010 the stockholders of HCI HAMMONIA SHIPPING AG consented, with a large majority, to the strategy of the Executive Board, to invest anti-cyclical further in the shipping market and in so doing, to profit in the intermediate term in the recovery of the shipping markets.
Based on the present partially difficult procurement of private investors in a closed KG-Fund the outcome of this is, as in the actual case, attractive investment possibilities for the HCI HAMMONIA SHIPPING AG: "by making use of the created possibilities at the Stockholders Meeting, the share purchase liquidity preservation can be financed", said Dr. Karsten Liebing, Director of HCI HAMMONIA SHIPPING AG. The new acquired cargo ship relates to a 4.250 TEU Container vessel which was delivered by a Yard in Korea in 2009. Presently the vessel is charterd for a further 3.5 years. "Resultant from the time charter, the new vessel investment generaes a stable cash flow and ideally supplements our ship portofolio", added Liebing´s Director colleage Jan Krutemeier.
The stable and comfortable revenues derived from the Charter and the up to now reliable technical management and freighting by Shipowner Thomas Schulte, has amongst others, due to significant advantages in the operating costs in comparison to the planned Budget, created a solid basis for a successful economical result in the shipping body. The Ship Portfolio of HCI HAMMONIA SHIPPING AG has, since the formation of the company, been exclusively managed by the HAMMONIA Reederei GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, who display all business processes in an integrated IT-system. In so doing, a corporate quarterly reporting is secured, as per IFRS and HGB as the transparency regulations for institutional investors stipulate.
Based on these organisational factors, HAMMONIA will supersede the managing owner of the Benjamin Schulte, Thomas Schulte, around mid 2011. Three further sister vessel, inter alia the MS "BENEDICT SCHULTE" remain under the operation of Thomas Schulte.
Including the current new acquisition, the listed HCI HAMMONIA SHIPPING AG now has twelve container vessels in her Portfolio from Sub-Panamax to Post-Panamax Class. The investment in the container vessel "Benjamin Schulte" will most likely follow on 30.12.2010.